Hyatt Legal Plan Attorneys

The Hyatt Legal Plan is a popular program that provides legal insurance to employees at a small cost. The cost, $20 for a standard package, is often deducted straight from the employees wage, and covers personal legal matters of a wide variety, such as buying and selling a house, debt related issues, creating a will, reviewing paperwork, credit problems, and civil and family lawsuits.

The Hyatt Legal Plan is highly acclaimed, and is used by many companies, including 150 of the Fortune 500 companies. For the $20 a month fee, the employee gets access to the pool of 13,000 plus Hyatt Legal Plan Attorneys.

This highly qualified group of attorneys is one of the key selling points of the Hyatt Legal Plan.

Who Are The Hyatt Legal Plan Attorneys?

The Hyatt Legal Plan functions via a network of attorneys, who are all highly qualified, and who are all required to hold at least eight years experience in the practice of law. Hyatt hold themselves to strict standards when it comes to selecting attorneys who are suitable for the job.

The Hyatt Legal Plan Attorney network spans nationwide across the whole of the US, and the company aims to provide its customers with access to attorneys who are local to them, as well as access to readily available phone and email advice.

The Hyatt Legal Plan therefore involves a range of legal firms all around the country, each of which have had to adhere to the regulations and quality control of the network.

How Are The Hyatt Legal Plan Attorneys Selected?

All of the attorneys in the Hyatt Legal Plan network have to go through a rigorous selection process to ensure that the employee who is involved in the program has only the highest quality legal representation.

When a new firm applies to join the Hyatt Legal Plan network, their attorneys must have the correct qualifications from accredited law schools, they must have at least eight years experience, they must show a positive customer service attitude, they must be familiar with most of the practices that the Hyatt Legal Plan offers, and the attorneys must be free of disciplinary blemishes on their record, and so on.

All in all, the criteria for selection ensures a high quality service for the employee who chooses the scheme.

How Is Quality Maintained Over Time?

It is surely not enough to make rigorous the selection process for the attorneys. It is also essential that a network of this size and stature be monitored for quality. Hyatt claim that they do this too. When new firms and attorneys join the network they are upheld to a specific code of excellence, that they must agree to follow. This outlines the constant requirements that Hyatt expect of their attorneys.

The Hyatt Legal Plan is supported by a structure of bodies who regulate and ensure the consistent quality of the attorneys, and of the legal services that are being given. 12 Panel Representatives monitor and evaluate the ongoing performance of the attorneys, and they are managed further by the General Counsel, and the Assistant General Counsel. Telephone calls, office visits, and daily contact with attorneys all contributes to an active outlook on quality control.